[Selling] SIN 101+100+100 BM 101+100 Archer 100+100 on 1 account 06/05/2014 - Perfect World Trading - 1 Replies Game: Perfect World International
Sin 100 2nd rb (2 demon) aps geared g16+8 dags 4 aps sparked also have g15 gof+int dags r8 dags r6 dags most skills are demon
Perfect World: Calculator aps gear
Perfect World: Calculator pvp gear not full but have 250mil on account and molds so can make full g16 easy .. also hp def and stats more then have in calc cuz rb
Archer 100 1st rb (2 sage) on this account Perfect World: Calculator stats hp def more then on calc cuz rb
Bm 100 1st...
[Selling] SIN 101+100+100 BM 101+100 Archer 100+100 on 1 account 05/21/2014 - Perfect World Trading - 1 Replies Game: Perfect World International
Sin 100 2nd rb (2 demon) aps geared g16+8 dags 4 aps sparked also have g15 gof+int dags r8 dags r6 dags most skills are demon
Perfect World: Calculator aps gear
Perfect World: Calculator pvp gear not full but have 250mil on account and molds so can make full g16 easy .. also hp def and stats more then have in calc cuz rb
Archer 100 1st rb (2 sage) on this account Perfect World: Calculator stats hp def more then on calc cuz rb
Bm 100 1st...
WTT 2x50 euro PSC for 100 euro bank transfer or 100 euro in Western Union or PP 10/08/2010 - Silkroad Online Trading - 26 Replies Hi,
I'd like to trade my 2x50euro for 100euro bank transfer, 100euro western union or PP all with middleman ofc !
About PayPal:
Becouse of scamers doing chargebacks procedure will take 3 days (untill I withdraw; don't worry it's safe for both sides) that's all.
I can also buy account for it or gold etc...