[Selling] [NewZ] Pvp Stuff Shop / Newz start 01/22/2017 - Infestation Trading - 2 Replies Welcome to my shop!
Skype: MarokoTrade
Info for buyer:
[Selling] [Newz] MrFrendly's Items (shop) [Newz] 07/31/2016 - Infestation Trading - 9 Replies I dont play the game anymore becuse ther is too many big clans so i will now sell all my items
Payment will be over payal
add me on skype if you need anything mathias7229
Dragon Heavy $8
Dragon Custom $5
Dragon Nvg $5
Dragon Honey $3
Need other dragon Skins ask
NewZ Cheap snipers & Guns | Phantomsux NewZ Shop 04/29/2016 - Infestation Trading - 0 Replies 1.000.000 DX = 45$
Contact info: Skype: cyxen94
Currency is USD.
Minimal Pay: 5$
Paypal Only, Must do family and friends and put in note "I declare that I am the rightful owner of the account. I revoke all rights to this payment in terms of chargeback. I also revoke any right to dispute this payment, because I am paying Virtual Goods that I already received"
A trade will not occur unless the payment has gone through first.
NEWZ BUY ITEMS AND SKINS/ KUPIE SKINY I ITY DO NEWZ 01/25/2016 - Infestation Trading - 4 Replies Hi, how like topic. I will but items/skins for rly money. Psc/paypal/bank transfer ;) Say in topic or add on steam : Steam Community :: Talonerski
Jak w temacie. Kupię ity i skiny za real hajs. Psc/Paypal lub przelew. Napiszcie tu albo dodajcie na steam: Steam Community :: Talonerski