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NewZ Claw Shop

Discussion on NewZ Claw Shop within the Infestation Trading forum part of the Shooter Trading category.

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Old   #1
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 31
Received Thanks: 2
NewZ Claw Shop

Welcome to Claw Shop enjoy your stay
-Prices and stock will be updated as we go.

Skins & Boxes ect.
Mauser Black Night = Offer
Kstyle Helmet Winter = Offer
Blaser Brazil = Offer


Blaser - 0.15€ Ea (44x)
MAUSER SRG - 0.12€ Ea (62x)
MAUSER SRG SP66 - 0.13€ Ea (42x)
All other snipers sold.

AUG - 0.005€ Ea (200)
M4a1 - 0.01€ Ea (350+)
556 - 0.01€ Ea (350+)
Imi Tar 0.005€ Ea (130)
Scar-H - 0.20€ Ea (3)
Redstalker - 0.02€ Ea (100)
L85 - 0.015€ Ea (139)
Famas - 0.01€ Ea (87)
Honey Badger - 0.01€ Ea (83)

Heavy Armor - 0.02€ Ea (147)
K-Style NVG - 0.01€ Ea (149)
K-Style - 0.01€ Ea (157)
CustomG - 0.01€ Ea (123)
160x Cmags 2 €

Bulk Bonuses

My few rules is the following

-Be Polite
-Above 25 positive rep, seller goes first is an option
-Family and friends
-This message MUST include in the transaction/transactions

"I declare that I am the rightful owner of the account. I revoke all rights to this payment in terms of chargeback. I also revoke any right to dispute this payment, because I am paying Virtual Goods that I already received"
Will not accept the payment if not included.

Contact me on Skype:
moonclaww is offline  
Old 12/15/2016, 15:34   #2 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 32
Received Thanks: 0
how many vss do you currently have left?
TheCraig is offline  
Closed Thread

newz, snipers, ss shop

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