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[EU] 40 Legendaries + 100 Epics + 180 Dust + 430 Gold + Lots of rares + The Dalaran H

Discussion on [EU] 40 Legendaries + 100 Epics + 180 Dust + 430 Gold + Lots of rares + The Dalaran H within the Hearthstone Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.

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[EU] 40 Legendaries + 100 Epics + 180 Dust + 430 Gold + Lots of rares + The Dalaran H

[EU] 40 Legendaries + 100 Epics + 180 Dust + 430 Gold + Lots of rares + The Dalaran Heist unlocked

Viable decks: Pogo rogue, Spellhunter, Quest miracle mage, Shudderwock C’thun etc.

40 Legendaries, 100 Epics, lots of Rares
430 gold, 180 dust
Play mode total wins: 841
Arena total wins: 521
Total level: 375
Mage-55, Shaman-46, Druid-30, Paladin-30, Warlock-29, Hunter-49, Warrior-34, Rogue-60, Priest-42


Flobbidinous Floop

The Marsh Queen
Houndmaster Shaw
Deathstalker Rexxar

Open the Waygate
Stargazer Luna

Commander Rhyssa

Zerek, Master Cloner
Bwondsamdi, the Dead

Edwin VanCleef
Myra Rotspring
Myra’s Unstable Elemenet
Heistbaron Togwaggle
Tak Nozwhisker
Valeera the Hollow

Electra Stormsurge
Swampqueen Hagatha

Arch-Villain Rafaam
Hir’eek, the Bat

Grommash Hellscream

Prince Keleseth
Zayle, Shadow Cloak
Tinkmaster Overspark
Archmage Vargoth
Harbinger Celestia
Spiritsinger Umbra
Barista Lynchen
Dollmaster Dorian
Genn Greymane
The Black Knight
Marin the Fox
Baku the Mooneater

Price: 40 USD
PM me if interested!
Raynbow74 is offline  

account, eu, hs, legendaries

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