[Trading] Du: 28k auf Azshara (H) - Ich: 28k auf Aegwynn (A) 09/01/2013 - World of Warcraft Trading - 3 Replies Heyo,
Suche jemanden der mir 28k (vhb) auf Azshara gibt, gebe dafür 28k Gold auf Aegwynn.
Bei Interesse einfach bronzeproblems.epvp in Skype adden oder hier ne Nachricht hinterlassen
Shatt bug. Get under shatt and from there under outland. 01/20/2008 - WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros - 11 Replies http://img233.imagevenue.com/loc64/th_33259_1_122_ 64lo.JPG
Its the way to Nagrand. At Aldor isle. Walk to the end to Nagrand and go left around the corner.
http://img213.imagevenue.com/loc449/th_33260_2_122 _449lo.JPG
There is a small hole like this. WALK inthere. If you run youll go to fast and wont make it.
http://img107.imagevenue.com/loc836/th_33262_3_122 _836lo.JPG
Turn the sight to Shattrath and there is the hole you can fly to.