[Trading] WTT Mona + other 4* for any keqing account 10/17/2020 - Genshin Impact Trading - 1 Replies Account is AR7 with Beidou + Male Mc + Fischl 1 extra constellation + mona https://imgur.com/a/T3s2qs8
[Trading] trading venti mona + 4*s for a keqing + any 5* acc 10/13/2020 - Genshin Impact Trading - 0 Replies hey guys i really want a keqing + any 5* account (pref qiqi, mona or venti but any is fine)
I have 3 accounts i'm willing to trade for it. (all 3 accs for ur 1 acc)
acc1: mona+venti+razor+fischl+xingqiu+lions roar
acc2: jean+fischl+chongyun+rust bow
acc3: venti+stringless bow