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Template Build: White Lion

Discussion on Template Build: White Lion within the General Gaming Releases forum part of the General Gaming Discussion category.

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Template Build: White Lion

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This was rather a difficult choice for a template. You can choose to strengthen yourself, your pet, or both. I would normally select "myself", however after quite a bit of debate I went with choosing "both" which is the path of "The Hunter". This choice was made for no other reason then for the end game PvP viability of the build. Top three stats:

  • Strength = Increased melee damage
  • Wounds = Increased hit points
  • Toughness = Lowers incoming damage.

The 25 points will be placed as follows: (There will be a few extra points due to RvR rewards, however we will not use them here)

15 in "The Hunter"
Buy all skills in "The Hunter" tree for one point each. I know this is very unusual as I do not like getting all the skills in a single tree line, however for this build I will make an exception.

The last 4 points will be put in "The Guardian" tree. Any additional points should also be placed in "The Guardian", there is no reason to buy the bottom skill in the tree.

80 RvR points to be placed in:

  • Might level 1 = 1 point
  • Might level 2 = 3 points
  • Might level 3 = 6 points
  • Might level 4 = 10 points
  • Might level 5 = 14 points
  • Fortitude level 1 = 1 point
  • Fortitude level 2 = 3 points
  • Assault level 1 = 2 points
  • Assault level 2 = 4 points
  • Assault level 3 = 6 points
  • Opportunist level 1 = 5 points
  • Opportunist level 2 = 10 points
  • Opportunist level 3 = 15 points

The purpose of this build is to be able to do your own thing with minimal management of your pet. While you will still need to keep an eye on him and manage him to an extent, you will not have to micromanage him. You will be able to kill caster easy and with "Pounce", they will never know where you came from. This build will give you more then enough DPS and enough survival to rip up either the front or back of the enemies line of combat.

Here are the planned active morale skills:

  • Level 1 = Sever Nerve
  • Level 2 = Flying Axe
  • Level 3 = Dominance
  • Level 4 = Blade and Claw

Slotted Tactics can be changed "on the fly", as long as you are not in combat. Since there are 5 quick slots available, I would use each one in a different situation. One for PvP fight, one for PvE Group, and one for PvE solo. Here is my choice for a "PvP fight":

  • Brute Force
  • Pack Hunting
  • Lion Heart
  • Hack and Slash

Build Strength:
All around decent DPS and survival skills.

Build Weakness:

Since this is a well rounded build there really are not any weaknesses
aistee is offline  
Old 01/18/2009, 20:30   #2
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 1
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why u just dont use loner?
maettkaett is offline  

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