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Mounted swim speed
Discussion on Mounted swim speed within the General Gaming Releases forum part of the General Gaming Discussion category.
06/26/2008, 18:49
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 4
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Mounted swim speed
Mount up, run and jump into the water. Continue to hold forward. Your mount dissapears but you'll continue to swim at mounted speeds. This has only been tested in Thunder River. *Edit, this has been tested many other places as well at this point.
06/26/2008, 19:16
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 14
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sick this cheat is confirmed
but the server is down right now
06/28/2008, 00:15
elite*gold: 293
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 227
Received Thanks: 11
no glitch, no cheat. just a bug
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Fly/Swim in Air with no Mount !
02/17/2009 - WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros - 0 Replies
Sers leute :)
Mal etwas von mir.
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Aber das ist uninteressant.
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06/23/2008 - General Gaming Releases - 9 Replies
hey, just tried it:
while mounted, sprint&jump into water, do not stop sprinting and swim with mount speed
didnt find it somewhere else
auf deutsch:
aufs PFERD mounten (nashorn kann nicht springen), sprintend ins wasser springen, shift gedrückt halten, bei wasserkontakt wird zwar automatisch abgemountet aber der speed bleibt
Swim in air and even attack!
05/24/2007 - WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros - 8 Replies
Trick to flying in air:
You will need a mage friend, and a flying mount.
Heres what you do:
.Duel the mage and mount (make sure your on the floor)
.Get the mage to use frost nova on you, then Polymorph.
.Before the polymorph and frost break, get the mage to use an instant cast like fireblast.
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04/24/2007 - WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros - 6 Replies
This will allow you to swim through the air in WoW
1) Get a mage friend and duel him.
2) After the duel starts get on your flying mount but stay on the ground
3) Mage frost novas you, as soon as frost nova hits you spam jump as fast as you can.
4) Mage sheeps you then breaks it with damage before nova wears off
5) Continue spamming jump after sheep breaks untill nova wears off
You should now be swimming through the air. It may take a few tries to work but just keep at it
Infinite Swim
08/30/2006 - WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros - 12 Replies
ist recht einfach.. wird auch schnell gefixt da das jeder mal machen wird wenn einem langweilig is ^^
schwimmt einfach an die wasseroberfläche und fangt an zu springen, eure fatigue bar sollte sich dadurch regenerieren
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