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[Bug+ Hint]All ressource nodes on map!

Discussion on [Bug+ Hint]All ressource nodes on map! within the General Gaming Releases forum part of the General Gaming Discussion category.

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[Bug+ Hint]All ressource nodes on map!

To start off with, I'm not able to recreate this bug whenever I want to 100% of the time, more like 70%

Many of you may know this bug, but I'll also explain what you can use it for (though it may seem obvious).

So, there's a bug that allows you to see ALL ressource nodes on your map. Usually this bug happens when the instance server crashes, after you log in again all ressource nodes appears on your map. Usually when I crash out of the game, not only instance server crash, when I relog the nodes are there, so I'm guessing force crashing the game somehow could recreate this bug.

So, when you finaly get the bug, it won't be permanent (ofcourse :/), so here's what to do, open up your map and click on one of the ressource nodes, it'll pop up with a 'Add marker' click it and enter the name of the node which you've clicked on. It'll be rather time consuming to add all of them, but they can't really ban you for something like that, since you could in fact have been around the map making marks for all nodes
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