AP Pixel/Color Aimbot 10/24/2010 - CO2 Bots & Macros - 49 Replies Hi elitepvpers!
Since I've seen many of those P-Server owners always editing their launchers disabling proxies, here is something they may not be able to disable.
AP Pixel Aimbot Setup.exe
Here is a video to demonstrate how it works:
Have fun peepz.
PS. Pixel aiming is not 100% correct everytime so yeah, can't use it, too bad.
And if any one of those server owners have managed to block it, too bad i will not update this tool.
Pixel Color Finder 01/26/2010 - CO2 Weapon, Armor, Effects & Interface edits - 15 Replies Here is a tool I created that helps the user to find the pixel coordinates and the HEX as well as the DEC color code of that pixel. It helps you to set up the bots you downloaded from the site. It is also a handy tool if you want to write your own bot.
March 22, 2005 UPDATE:
Added a sample color section.
This section shows the current color that the mouse cursor is pointing to. It helps the user to find out if that is the color he/she wants to use.
[WIP]Color finder 09/05/2009 - Perfect World - 4 Replies Coded in C#.NET with MS Visual Studio 2008
Color and Coord finder for macro's 04/12/2008 - CO2 Bots & Macros - 4 Replies Well here's just a simple program made by AutoHotKey to find the color of the pixel and coord of your mouse..I don't take credit for this evanxxxm Made the script and i just made into an exe and thought i'd share it so here you go...
If you don't trust the program then heres the script:loop
MouseGetPos, Pxx, Pyy
; ur mouse current coordinate
PixelGetColor, color, %Pxx%, %Pyy%
; get the color hex at this point
ToolTip, x%Pxx% y%Pyy%`nColor: %color%,1,1
; display the output
Advanced color/coord finder 07/15/2006 - CO2 Exploits, Hacks & Tools - 1 Replies http://www.nattyware.com/pixie.html
actual download link: http://www.nattyware.com/bin/pixie.zip
works great for finding coords and colors.
CTRL + ALT + Z for a nice little zoom window
CTRL + ALT + C to copy the HTML