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Mir Labyrinth 1.9 50x exp

Discussion on Mir Labyrinth 1.9 50x exp within the General Gaming Discussion forum part of the General Gaming category.

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Mir Labyrinth 1.9 50x exp

Welcome to MirLabyrinth

Temp. Forums;

Mirlabyrinth 1.9:
Drops: Medium
Starting Level: 16
Starting Gold: 0
Experience Rate: x50

- @help;
Type @help ingame for a list of commands that can be used during the game at any time a list is included below

- List of commands to spawn slaves
@wizslave , @taoslave , @warslaveweak , @warslavemed , @warslavehard , @warslavehero , @warslavedivine , @holytaoslave

you may change your hair style ingame via these commands
@sethair1 , @sethair2 , @sethair3 , @sethair 4

Whats New ingame-

- Gamepoints

- Slaves

- Caerphilly Castle

- Guild Territorys

- Master/Servant

- New Hunting Grounds
Hunting areas include Frozen temple, Jinchon, Bichonjungle, numa, fox caves

- Slave rental


-Two New Bosses
Bosses include. AD,AC jinchonchampion, jungle lord, Evil Emporer.

- Four New Lords

- Four New armours (more to be added in updates for events and such)

- Four New Weapons (more to be added in updates for events and such)

-New unique mystery chest feature

- New weapon upgrade feature using refinement orbs
- New lords quest, collectings relics from lords to gain a great reward


Sadly warriors have no new spells, but slaves make up for this, taoists
have Holy Deva with TBOLT function, Purifaction, Mass Poison and more,
while wizards have Flame Disrruption, Frost Crunch, Flamefield and more.

Duel Summons! - Taoists have the ability to summon two pets! Current
combos inc (2x skele, 2x shinsu, 1x skele + 1x shinsu, 1x skele + 1x
deva, 1x shinsu + 1x deva)

Special Devas!
- Now at level 42 , 43 and 44, the Devas will become much stronger with the actual level colours.

Taoist slaves!
- Taoists now have the ability to upgrade their slaves at level 45 ,
giving a rich dark black colour name with intense strengh, a must have
for any taoist.

Castle leader teleporting!
- Castle leaders of sabuk or caerphilly can use an advanced group
teleporter in their palace (if grouped) which takes them to over 40
different locations!!

Orb Tokens
- You must collect 5 orb tokens to obtain an orbcoin which 100% adds the stat of the type of orb that you have created
Samji is offline  

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