- As an APB VIP, you get access days before the rest of the world
- A bonus 10 hours of game time!
- Your own key to the city, allowing access to the pre-launch event
- Exclusive clothing options (for both Enforcer and Criminal characters)
- An exclusive Decal
- Two exclusive Emotes
- An exclusive, customised vehicle
The APB FAQ also details the payment options for the game. Out of the box players will have 50 hours of action gameplay and unlimited time in APB's social districts and marketplace trading. Something we got to experience first-hand at this year's PAX East. Once your gametime is up, you have the option of buying 20 more hours for $6.99 (£5.59, €6.29) or if you're more hardcore in your playtimes you can opt for the unlimited time package for $9.99 (£7.99, €8.99) with additional discounts for 3 and 6 month subscriptions. Be sure to check out the APB FAQ for additional details.