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RoM Implements New Changes to Curve Gold Seller Spike

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RoM Implements New Changes to Curve Gold Seller Spike

The diamond for gold trade in Runes of Magic (RoM) has been a great way for players to exchange their excess goods in the game. But as with all things it seems some people (and by some people I mean gold sellers) have found a way to abuse the system, bringing down the iron fist of the RoM devs, who have now implemented a change to the game that removes the ability to trade diamonds for gold. In addition, players that attempt to continue the trade with the imposed restriction could find their accounts temporarily banned. RoM devs have taken the measure even further by deactivating the ability to mail gold in-game as well as sending items via C.O.D. The changes are temporary until the devs feel the issue is under control, but in the meantime players will have to deal with the new measures.

Runes of Magic - Current news: Changes to the Auction House
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Old 04/21/2010, 21:52   #2
elite*gold: 177
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Curses!! This is because of all the gold sellers spamming the world chat. Now my character is going to be full of items.
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