Many players have been awaiting some of these features since launch, but now you wait no longer! Aion introduces their account services that allow players to make a few much demanded in-game character and legion changes including name changes and character customization.
Pick a new name, a new look, a new gender, or a new Legion name with new Aion account services. Visit the NCsoft store, select the service you’d like to purchase, and click the Buy Now button. Customization is just a few clicks away.
Once you’ve purchased an account service, all you have to do is log in to your NCsoft Master Account, go to your Aion Game Account Details page, and use Apply In-Game Items on your selected character. Log in to Aion with the selected character, and the appropriate account service ticket will be waiting in your in-game express mail.
Visit our Aion Account Services pages for more information. Tailor your Aion experience to your desires today!
-The Aion Community Team