Soon it's there! The Action-Onlinegame Global Agenda will open on 1st February 2010. Hi-Rez studios now released some details about the pre-order extras and events for subscribers.
From 28th to 31th January will be the "Early Start and Name reserve"-event. During this event, subscribers can order their special pre-order items, reserve an ingame name, play a character until level 10, create an Agency and participate at the Conquest system. They can also use the Conquest for free untill the 3rd March.
The liveservers will be online from 28th to 31th January. At the "Quick Start" you can create up to 8th Characters at once. Also, the introductory quests (level 1 to 4), access to Dome City and parts of the PvE and PvP contents are available.
This and some other small things you can read at the official notice: rn_iconwr