Blizzard announced Icecrown Citadel: The Frozen Halls (new dungeon) for World of Warcraft player to explore, and a small preview for this new dungeon has been released on the official site. What do you think of it?
Makes you wonder how many years WoW will stay in popular existence. I'll guess 15 years. It even took 10 years for Warcraft 2 to die. Good to see it's still updated for you WoW players
WoW: Icecrown Citadel Access 11/20/2009 - Gaming News - EN - 0 Replies In what should come as no surprise, Daelo from Blizzard, announced that Icecrown Citadel is going to be gated in much the same way TotC
was. What this means is that the whole raid will not open up when it is released. Instead a new wing will open up every few weeks, and heroic mode will not be available until you defeat the whole raid.
World of Warcraft - English (NA) Forums -> Icecrown Citadel Raid Access Progression
WoW Icecrown Citadel: The Frozen Throne 10/07/2009 - Gaming News - DE - 0 Replies Blizzard veröffentlichte heute eine Menge Informationen bezüglich des bevorstehenden Patches 3.3. Die meisten der Informationen drehen sich hierbei um den erhofften "Icecrown Citadel"-Schlachtzug , bei welchem sich Spieler ihren Weg zu Arthas freikämpfen müssen. Der Schlachtzug komplettiert das "The Wrath of the Lich King"-Addon. icecrown-raid.xml
(über tentonhammer, danke!)
WoW Icecrown Citadel: The Frozen Throne 10/07/2009 - Gaming News - EN - 0 Replies Blizzard released a ton of information today about the upcoming patch 3.3. Most of the information revolves around the much anticipated Icecrown Citadel raid where players will battle their way to Arthas and complete the Wrath of the Lich king expansion.
World of Warcraft Community Site
(via tentonhammer, thx!)
WoW Icecrown Citadel Vorschau 10/04/2009 - Gaming News - DE - 1 Replies Blizzard hat das neue Dungeon Icecrown Citadel: The Frozen Halls für World of Warcraft angekündigt und ein kleines Preview wurde auf der offziellen Seite eingestellt. Was sagt Ihr dazu?
WoW:Icecrown Citadel 10/04/2009 - User Submitted News - 1 Replies WoW:Icecrown Citadel
Blizzard announced Icecrown Citadel: The Frozen Halls(new dungeon) for WoW players to explore, and a small preview for this new dungeon has been released on the official site. What do you think of it?
Icecrown Citadel: The Frozen Halls
Icecrown Citadel will feature a massive five-player dungeon sprawling across three wings of the citadel's foundation. While the Lich King's attention is focused on the Argent Crusade and the Knights of the Ebon Blade ripping...