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Oculus VR: Acquired by Facebook
Discussion on Oculus VR: Acquired by Facebook within the Gaming News - EN forum part of the Gaming News category.
03/26/2014, 00:38
elite*gold: 1804
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Oculus VR: Acquired by Facebook
Today, Mark Zuckerberg announced that the US-American company Facebook is going to acquire the brand leader in terms of "Virtual Reality". Two billion US dollar is what the giant social network has spent on the deal. 400 million US dollar will be paid in cash, whilst the rest is going to be in the form of facebook stocks, similar to the way they handled the acquisition of WhatsApp.
The Californian company successfully financed itself on the platform Kickstarter in September 2012. Since then, they were able to achieve several innovative successes within their branch. Zuckerberg also mentioned that they do not plan on influencing the company or the "Rift" project all that drastically, as their focus is lying on the VR headset and its development.
The medium to long-term goal is said to be the use of the technology as a communication method, which allows people to talk to others face to face without having to leave your home.
What's your opinion on the newest acquisition of Facebook, such a short time after the last one?
Original Source: Oculus VR: Übernahme durch Facebook!
03/26/2014, 09:39
elite*gold: 0
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So, Facebook will be able to spy even oculus rifts?
Good! I know that I won't buy it!
First Whatsapp and then this...
03/26/2014, 23:58
elite*gold: 0
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I've never heard of Oculus Virtual Rift. I like the idea since they suggested it for gaming, but in social communication..Meh.
03/27/2014, 16:34
elite*gold: 1640
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I first doubt it, but I definitely think the internet will become a monopoly with Google or Facebook on its top. This is just the beginning. Big fish eat little fish, like in nature.
03/30/2014, 18:02
elite*gold: 135
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That would be awkward ^.^
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