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Hearthstone: Tournament at BlizzCon

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Hearthstone: Tournament at BlizzCon

Blizzard's online trading card game "Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft" - mostly just called "Hearthstone" - is currently in closed beta phase. After having launched beta phase in North America on August 16 2013, interest in the European region has rapidly grown not only due to the past gamescom presentation in Cologne. As Blizzard now announced, they are going to hold the first show tournament in the course of this year's BlizzCon - a gaming fair backed by the US-American developer. Eight well-known streamers and eSports commentators were invited to fight for victory live at BlizzCon. The winners are going to be rewarded with a trophy and the title "Grandmaster of the Hearth". On the website, they have explained principles of the game in a humorous way:

"The idea behind the Invitational is simple: Take some of Hearthstone’s most passionate players and pit them against each other in a no-holds-barred deathmatch... er, pit them against each other live on stage at BlizzCon with three of their best constructed decks at their side. Each player must bring three decks with three different classes and they will battle each other in a set of best-of-five matches. If one of their chosen decks loses, it's out for good! The losing player will then have to choose one of their remaining decks to battle with, and if they run out of decks, that's the end of their run: Time to pay your tab and don't forget to tip the innkeeper."

Amongst the participants, one can find Sean "Day[9]" Plott - a professional "StarCraft: Brood War" gamer, who became a commentator for eSports tournaments and similar events. "Hafu", "Kripparrian" and "Reckful" are going to be present beside him as well. The second bracket consists of "Trump", "Husky", "Noxious" and "Artosis". Those who are not able to follow "The Innkeeper's Invitational Tournament" live, are given the possibility to watch the event on the official "World of Warcraft" twitch channel.

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