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The Elder Scrolls Online: Origin of Flame Atronachs

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The Elder Scrolls Online: Origin of Flame Atronachs

The variety of creatures in The Elder Scrolls has always been gigantic. Bit by bit, the team of Bethesda Softworks and Zenimax Online Studios introduces such that could also be found in the online edition of this game. After the presentations of Kwamas, Ogrims, Scamps and some more, the fans are now allowed to have a look at the origin of so called Flame Atronachs - a kind of Daedra that has already existed in previous TES-games.

This powerful and mystical species is - as already mentioned - some kind of the Daedra, who can be summoned and controlled with strong spells. However, these hostile fire creatures can be encountered also outdoors and they will try for sure to give you a rough time with fire ***** and other fiery attacks.

What do you think of the Flame Atronachs?

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Old 08/24/2013, 11:41   #2
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reminds me of burning tree / gw2 fire effigy. still cool
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Old 09/19/2013, 10:57   #3
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This shall be one of the best MMO in 2014. The company I worked for is going to license this game so I can't wait to get my hands on it when we can try it on the alpha server.
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eso, teso

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