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Humble Bundle: Now with Deep Silver

Discussion on Humble Bundle: Now with Deep Silver within the Gaming News - EN forum part of the Gaming News category.

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Humble Bundle: Now with Deep Silver

For many players the Humble Bundle is a cause for rejoicing; for a small amount of money you get a big extension for your games collection. This is the 43th Humble Bundle available and now you are not only getting a lot of games, but also support two different organisations. Like in the years before, the Humble Bundle only contains games of Deep Silver. If you buy the Humble Bundle you are able to choose how much money you want to donate and you are also free to choose the organisation which gets the money (Deep Silver or one of the social organisations).

You are free to pay whatever you want (at least 1 Dollar), but the more you donate the more games you will get. If you donate 1 Dollar you will get these 4 games: «Saints Row 2», «Saints Row: The Third», «Risen 2: Dark Waters» and the Gold Editon of «Sacred 2». If you spend 4,92$ or more money, you can download all expansions of «Saints Row: The Third» and the game «Dead Island GOTY». If this is still not enough for you, you should probably donate 25$ to get «Dead Island: Riptide» included to the package.

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Old 08/08/2013, 12:46   #2

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I'm going to get the complete bundle. It's a good offer in my opinion since Dead Island: Riptide costs 40€ on Steam at the moment and I want the game
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Old 08/13/2013, 01:01   #3
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I'm going to get the complete bundle. It's a good offer in my opinion since Dead Island: Riptide costs 40€ on Steam at the moment and I want the game to the left in ri
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Old 10/22/2013, 00:49   #4
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Hahaha so niiiice
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deepsilver, hb

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