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Newest update to Runescape - The Evolution of Combat

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Newest update to Runescape - The Evolution of Combat

Runescape is undoubtedly THE best free to play MMORPG out there. Despite that, Jagex is still trying harder than ever to keep the playerbase entertained with various content updates.
Today, they have started the closed beta testing of "The Evolution of Combat", an upcoming update that will forever change Runescape's combat mechanics. The community has been speculating and guessing what the future has in store for them, the wait is almost over.
On the 26th of June, a selected group of 50,000 participants will be fighting each other, and exploring the endless possibilities of the new fighting system.

"The Evolution of Combat update is the biggest change we’ve ever made in RuneScape’s long history and we’re incredibly excited to finally let our players take part.” commented Mark Ogilvie, RuneScape's Lead Designer. “We really wanted to make our conflict game play more about the actual art of combat, so we've added amazing abilities which will give the player a wealth of choices to use in PvE and PvP combat, and the way those abilities relate to each other will bring a completely new sense of tactical depth to the game. We’ve also made huge improvements to the look and sound of combat, meaning the entire game has become a far more gritty, visceral and adrenaline pumping experience. ”

The update opens up a bunch of new combat options, such as duel wielding, adrenaline bars, various combat options that become available as the fight progresses, the ability to use buffs and weaknesses to tip the odds in your favor, a chance to deal critical damage, and of course a new combat sounds and animations.

“The entire update has been built to play to RuneScape’s strengths and has been designed to refocus combat to be more about player skill, encourage variety in combat equipment and to make combat more enjoyable and challenging. This will revolutionise the way the game is played, making the experience ultimately more rewarding, while not diverting from the essential heart of the game which has made RuneScape so hugely popular for millions around the world.” - Mark Ogilvie, RuneScape's Lead Designer.

If you have not been selected to participate, don't worry! Players who have been in the Membership program for at least 12 months and signed up for the qualification will be automatically granted access to the beta. Other members will be able to have fun with this update during the Members-only access weekend. The first member access weekend will start on the 7th of July and will run on this schedule until the end of the beta, after that, the update will be introduced to the community.
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Newest update to Runescape - The Evolution of Combat-runescape.gif  
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Old 06/27/2012, 10:05   #2
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YAY!! im in!!!
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Old 06/27/2012, 18:48   #3
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i hate to admit, but RS beats most MMOs with Java
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Old 06/28/2012, 08:11   #4
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Had the time of my life on runescape. I quit when the wildy disappeared. There was no more fun, usually I used to pk every weekend with friends. After that update the game became horrible.
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Old 06/28/2012, 12:44   #5
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The wilderness was re-added a long time ago, or is my gaming history a bit outdated?
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Old 06/30/2012, 20:36   #6
Chat Killer In Duty

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Originally Posted by TheConArtist View Post
The wilderness was re-added a long time ago, or is my gaming history a bit outdated?
wilderness was in fact re-added when they removed the exchange limit(2010)
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