The action MMO genre is starting to take off after the success of Vindictus and Continent of the Ninth was made apparent, as well as the lesser known games in the genre such as Dynasty Warriors Online. Core Blaze looks to join Vindictus and Continent of the Ninth in setting the standard for this fast-rising MMO genre, sporting the Unreal Engine 3 and some rather unique gameplay, it looks to be one of the big free to play titles of 2013. The unique element of Core Blaze isn't necessarily how you interact with the world, but how the world can vary both from things you do, and things out of your control. A given example is that NPCs can act differently depending on time of day, the type of weather on that given day and even your own character's action and play style. This is extremely unique, and really, it's exactly what the MMO world needs and has been crying out for. I'm not the only one who's sick and tired of the same old MMORPG and MMOFPS being released every year, reskinned and rewritten with little varying gameplay. I can only hope that Core Blaze lives up to the hype, and it's unfortunate that we have to wait until next year to try it out.
Also, I think it's worth noting that games like this can either be revolutionary, or absolute failures. It's impossible for me to tell without actually sitting down and playing the game myself, but I'm sure hoping for the former. What do you guys think?