Many fans of the Metal Gear franchise asked the developers to be able to control Raiden, and so the developers have answered.

The main weapon of Raiden is the Katana, which can cut through almost anything. The game gives you a "Blade Mode," which is like the Bullet-Time mechanism in Max Payne but for Raiden. This mode drains life away so care must be taken in using it.

One cool feature of MG Rising: Revengeance is that you can use the katana to cut through anything; if there's something blocking your path, you can use your blade to cut through it and continue your journey.
Accuracy and control over the katana was something that the developers wanted implement carefully, and using the right analog stick, you can control exactly where you want to swing or hack that blade.
There are also many non-katana weapons available in the game, such as the missile launcher, which can be used to take down any flying or big enemies.

MG Rising: Revengeance will be released in Spring 2013 on Xbox 360 and PS3.
Below is the E3 trailer for MG Rising: Revengeance:
And below is a video of some of the gameplay: