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Konami takes player feedback to improve Pro Evolution Soccer

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Old   #1
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Konami takes player feedback to improve Pro Evolution Soccer

Konami has taken player feedback from their official PES community, MyPes, and their Facebook page to improve their next installment of Pro Evolution Soccer 13.

They have taken feedback from players to improve player individuality and have also improved control of the ball.

They have mirrored top players' unique movements from Europe and South America, down to the smallest detail, to improve realism.

There will be options for ball movement; there will be a completely new dribbling system, deft ball dribbling, which will give players complete control over the ball.

They have integrated a dynamic first touch system into their game, which means you can flick the ball upwards as you receive the ball to get past players or to shoot while the ball is still in mid-air.

Players will be given complete control over timing of tackles, players can now intentionally foul a player so as to stop a shooting chance.

Lastly keepers will be given new animations and their positioning has improved.

PES 13 will be released in Autumn 2012 and a downloadable demo will be released shortly.
Attached Thumbnails
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Old 06/07/2012, 15:48   #2
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Bin mal gespannt ob es fifa das wasser reichen wird.. !
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Old 06/19/2012, 09:34   #3
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i am like
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e3, konami, pes, pes 13

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