First, u need Skill

u have to buy a Cronus max or Cronus Zen and Setup on other PC without Epicgames Launcher or other Programm they can send data to Epicgames, in the best Case the PC is complety fresh!
U need a secound Keyboard and Mouse, Epic can detect ur Mouse moves and Keyboard hits or if they unplugged etc.
like u press W and the controller sends the command to run, u know? i hop u understand.
U can use this Setup by landing in ur Spot and fight other players with smg, dont practice building in creative... Epic can easy detect it and mark u as a potential cheater for the Future --- in this Case u never get the Cash from Cups
For endgame u can make easy frags, u can play with ur mates they can tarp etc. u can run in the boxes like other controllerplayers and abuse aimassist completly

U can only use the Setup for 10-20 secounds, in the best case under 15 secounds. I think Epic detetect players with this Gears with a Sinuswave
a player with Controller generates other Sinuswaves by her moving as a player they press w,a,s,d (like if u move diagonal with w,d its a 45° angle)
Controllerplayer moves naturally a little bit diagonal and softer to left and right, they can easy make 38° or 79° angles.
I hope u understand my bad english haha