GW Currency (me) for RS Currency (you) 06/10/2012 - Guild Wars Trading - 3 Replies Hello !
I am willing to exchange either ectos or zaishen keys, from the game Guild Wars, agains't millions, from the game Runescape.
I got (on May 31st) 4 stacks of zaishen keys and 1 stack of ectos.
I got no ratio GW/RS in my mind atm, but I will think about it.
Simply leave a message here with how many RS Millions you got and we will talk about a ratio.
I am willing to go first ONLY if you can show me many positives feedbacks. If I got first, we will do many small trades, so...
GW Currency (me) for RS Currency (you) 06/06/2012 - Runescape Trading - 2 Replies Hello !
I am willing to exchange either ectos or zaishen keys, from the game Guild Wars, agains't millions, from the game Runescape.
I got (on May 31st) 4 stacks of zaishen keys and 1 stack of ectos.
I got no ratio GW/RS in my mind atm, but I will think about it.
Simply leave a message here with how many RS Millions you got and we will talk about a ratio.
I am willing to go first ONLY if you can show me many positives feedbacks. If I got first, we will do many small trades, so...