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V-Plug - Your #1 plug for CHEAP V-Bucks!

Discussion on V-Plug - Your #1 plug for CHEAP V-Bucks! within the Fortnite Trading forum part of the Shooter Trading category.

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elite*gold: 494
Join Date: May 2019
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V-Plug - Your #1 plug for CHEAP V-Bucks!

Hey guys, just wanted to advertise a little
I'm selling V-Bucks on fortnite, for 50% off.
That means:
2,800 vBucks - 13.99$
5,000 vBucks - 23.99$
13,500 vBucks - 39.99$
27,000 vBucks - 59.99$
feel free to DM me, and I'd be more than happy to give a free vouch of any number listed to the admins, and or trusted members of the community to prove it's legit!
I can load them to your personal account(provided your account isn't region locked), or an alt account, whichever you prefer.
my name on discord is sadface#0321
feel free to shoot me a DM on here, and add me on discord
d3adweight is offline  
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fortnite, fortnite trading, selling, v-bucks

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