WTS lvl 61 Blood Vamp 76 chroma EYRDA 10/24/2011 - Forsaken World - 6 Replies not enough time to play the game anymore and trying to sell my account.
lvl 61 account
gear refined to all 6/12 some at 9/12
lots of lvl 2 gems in bankbox over 1d in gold in bank and close to 2d in sg
racial mount
really nice lvl 50 cs pets
WTB WIZZ/BARD BARD/CLERIC server XIAN! 05/13/2011 - Silkroad Online Trading - 0 Replies i wtb a wizz/bard bard/cleric on server xian
lvl must be between 76-101 with itemes or naked
i pay with gold on any server / paypal$
WTB lv98+ Wizard-bard or Bard-cleric ( only server Eos) 03/07/2010 - Silkroad Online Trading - 2 Replies as you see from title i wanna buy wiz-bard or bard-cleric 98 only at server Eos(New)
non verified char
prefer to be FF
we gonna use Roby as middleman ( otherwise you'll go first )
offer me here