T>[Korean]Nexon Account/Korean mGame account for AO Silkyon Account/Item 09/29/2013 - Atlantica Online Trading - 5 Replies I am trading my korean nexon account that allows you to play any game released by them, such as Elsword, Mabinogi heroes. I also own a Korean Mgame account. That will allow you play any game released by them, such as Legend of Ares! I can also make you an account if you prefer. Pm offers or post here.
Korean Nexon Account 03/22/2012 - Foreign Games - 2 Replies I really need one for bubble fighter.
Email: [email protected]
https://www.nexon.com/join/page/nx.aspx?URL=join/ join&codeRegSite=1
Oh yea, I dont fully understand the tutorial since this year is 2010 and the Nexon registration has changed a lot lately.
Need 18+ Korean Nexon Account 02/07/2012 - Foreign Games - 3 Replies Hello,
If anyone would be so kind as to create an adult (that means over 18 years of age) Korean Nexon account for me, it would be greatly appreciated. Please PM me with the username and password, thanks. :pimp:
I would love to give Mabinogi Heroes a try.
T>[Korean]Nexon Account/Korean mGame account for Dekaron Account 01/02/2012 - Dekaron Trading - 7 Replies Trading either a Korean Nexon Account which allows you to play any game released by them with no restriction, such as Elsword, Or a Korean M Game account that will allow you to play any game released by them such as the famous legend of ares. Pm Me or Post an Offer here.
--Looking for lvl 130+ of any class on SIZ besides hunter/segnale.