Selling 2 Accounts/Chars on Totemia, for Gear infos see the Pictures below.
Psy Geared for PvP&Siege, also with a nice Reffiro for Leveling and nice HP Pet for Building a Perfect S Level Pet!
(Jewelry with +19 and nearly 700 tries to ugprade and then exchange for Defender rings - see Pictures for details)
FS RM with good enough gear to survive in Coral and dungeons, fast enough casting speed to heal up on AoE and 1vs1 HCing. Also with a tons of Powerups Amplifications etc!
Also selling Penya on Totemia, current Stock: 2b
Please leave offer via DM, send me your Discord name for negotiations.
Payment PayPal F&F only. Not going first. I will update C/O and selling status on the Chars in this Thread.