[Selling] [TOTEMIA] PSY 123 full 120 EQ max & many prems 12/08/2023 - Flyff Trading - 1 Replies Hi,
PSY lvl 123
Full INT stat
Easy Facetank
- BWand+9, 0/2 piercing, MC+23%
- Eclipse +10/8, 28% ia, INT+10
+ 1x Suit+10/8, HP+28%
[Selling] Jester 136 + EQ & many prems 11/22/2023 - Flyff Trading - 1 Replies Hi, i'm selling my Jester level 136 with
- Bloody Yoyo+10/10, STR+4
- Naneon +9, IA 28%, STR+8
- CD pet class B 17%
- 2x Vigor Ring +15
[Selling] Totemia Jester Account 13X with tons of Prems 11/14/2022 - Flyff Trading - 1 Replies Hello,
im selling my clean Jester Account Level 13X on the Server Totemia. The Account has no Equipment only tons of Accountbound Prems.
- 2x 30 Days Combined Party Scrolls
- 16x EXP Ballon
- 4x Level Down
- 51x Low grilled Eal
- 49x Low Upcut Stone
- 21 x Upcut Stone