[Selling] NA Mentor 186 Mounts All lvl 100 Pentamelded 60m Gil FC Rank 30 + Property 01/09/2025 - Final Fantasy Trading - 0 Replies NA
All jobs level 100
Never banned
Pentamelded Gear
60.000.000 Gil
FC Rank 30 + Small Unfurnished Property
7 Retainers with a ton of materials, you can make 200.000.000+ Gil and I'll teach you how!
Price: $2250 USD
I offer flexible payment plans, up to 6 installments.
[Selling] EU Astrope Pentalegend | Listening to Offers 01/09/2025 - Final Fantasy Trading - 0 Replies Gender: Male
Race: Viera
Server: EU
Bans: None, clear history.
Mentor: 6000+ Commendations Received (Battle and Trade)
DoW/DoM: All level 100 and iLvl 700-705
DoH/DoL: All level 100 and iLvl 690
Achievements: 16.000
Mounts: 204
Gil: 200.000.000
[Selling] PENTA 5 LEGEND END-GAME ALL MAX - RELICS, 130 MOUNTS, 350 MINIONS, MENTOR, ET 07/02/2024 - Final Fantasy Trading - 0 Replies Hey! Add me on discord - pewsecond
• Level: All Battle and Crafter/Gatherer Jobs are at Max level
• Server/World/DC: Transferable to any preferred location
• Best-In-Slot: best gears on multiple jobs
• Battle Jobs Item Level: 640-660, suitable for Savage Raids and high-level content
• Ready for End-game and Upcoming Expansion
Relic and Ultimate Weapons:
[Selling] 💎💎💎 TCG Mounts / Mounts / Store Mounts 💎💎💎 06/23/2020 - World of Warcraft Trading - 0 Replies TCG-Shop EU by Edo
Es handelt sich bei diesen Artikeln um Ingame Items, sofern nicht anders beschrieben.
These items are in-game items unless otherwise described.
TCG Mounts
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Ingame Mounts