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FUT SNIPER BOT FIFA 21 (XBOX, Playstation, PC)

Discussion on FUT SNIPER BOT FIFA 21 (XBOX, Playstation, PC) within the Fifa forum part of the Popular Games category.

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FUT SNIPER BOT FIFA 21 (XBOX, Playstation, PC)

2 versions ! RUSSIAN and ENGLISH

This is a program for Windows. The program simulates a person by real clicks !

SNIPER BOT FIFA 21 is a program for automatic trading on the FIFA 21 Ultimate team transfer market. The program is an indispensable assistant for increasing coins and improving its composition. The program is also completely safe, since it is not considered a cheat and does not violate the rules. It can only be given a temporary block to the transfer market.


In the game, you can earn FIFA COINS by selling players or supplies. However, it is quite problematic to do this manually, since favorable prices are usually at 59 minutes of trading, and you will not always have time to buy at a favorable price. Sniper bot FIFA 21 will do it for you and much faster, as the program updates the market automatically. You only need to set clear and understandable tasks.

How it happens:

Open websites based on Ultimate team 21 market statistics. For example: / Choose the players that are trending for buying, and set parameters for buying it at the price you need. Similarly, you put it up for sale. This can be either top players like Mbape, Ronaldo, or absolutely inexpensive players. It all depends on your experiments and moves. On average, if you trade in the time of the day 150-200k can be done. With 10K, you can make 40-50K in a few hours. At least I did. There are professionals in trading, but in the hands of a novice, the bot gives results, and this is the most important thing.


Since the program works directly from the site, you can log in to your XBOX or Playstation account and trade freely, which means you can do it from any Android or IOS device.


In the program's security settings, you can always specify pauses and loops. Thanks to this, the bot will completely imitate a human. Pausing after a purchase, buying a card can stop buying and continue after a different amount of time, which you can set yourself. If you do not sell coins, the chance of getting banned is almost eliminated. For such manipulations, you can send a warning to the mail. However, if you use pauses and loops, as practice has shown, the chances are reduced to zero. By entering the phrase Buy Coins for Fifa 21 , you will find a lot of sites that sell coins, which means that all this works perfectly.
DARK_SIDE_fifa is offline  

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