Hi Red thnx for this but i cannot get it to work i do exactly what you show in your youtube video but the hair doesnt change. the only part in your video i did not understand is when you went to a website sorry cant understand german. is this program outdated or am i doing something wrong. thnx again im having the same problem with the boots changer also.
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[Help] HairStyles And Avatars 05/24/2008 - EO PServer Hosting - 4 Replies can som1 help me out, as most of you know after using pfj511 patch for the new pets it doesnt let u buy new hairstyles or avatars can som1 tell me what i have to edit, do i need 2 edit database, or hexedit itemtype.dar or what file???
plz som1 reply asap, need 2 fix this urgentyly