[Selling] WOW account multiple 90's, SC2 CE & Diablo 3 Multiple 60's 05/29/2013 - World of Warcraft Trading - 0 Replies WTS WOW account multiple 90's, SC2 CE & Diablo 3 Multiple 60's
Wow account has a 90 Worgen Druid and a 90 Panda Priest. Gear is nothing 2 notable, priest has season 12 set & a bunch of pve epix. There is also a 82 Tauren Paliden with heirlooms. Priest has Blood Guard title and there is a bunch of rare pets and mounts.
Star craft 2 is the collectors edition with all the bonus avatars and watnot.
Diablo 3 has a level 60 Monk (25), 60 Wizard (1) and a 60 Hunter (1). All pretty porley...
2 Questions, Selecting multiple coord & multiple inventory items 02/05/2013 - CO2 Private Server - 7 Replies Need a hand with 2 things ive been tryin to work out but not had much luck so far.
1:Took this example from mining which sets the specific map, But how can you set multiple coords on the map so the action can only been done when standing in those coords rather then the entire map?
switch (client.Entity.MapID)
case 1002: