facebook likes hack
youtube views hack
youtube subscribes hack
youtube likes hack
facebook subscribes hack
YouTube,views,subs,likes,facebook,likes,subs Faster and More bots Release !!!! by Kris ProHacks
OK lets go....
Sign up: here
Imacros firefox plugin:
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1) Open firefox and goto and install
this addon.
2) Download my bot scripts here
Virus Scan: 0/45
3) Go to Documents-->I Macros-->Macros and then drag all the downloaded Scripts into this folder picture is provided below.
4) Now sign up here you should know how to sign up ..If you dont please leave my site LOL...
5) Now when you signed up click the Add Site/Page green button top left of the site.....
6) Now choose what you want in type: either fb likes,subs or youtube views,subs,likes
For Example: i want facebook subscribes so im choosing Facebook Subscribe...Then in the second box you want to link
this to whatever u want likes,views,subs for im using facebook so im inserting my facebook ID into here.
Ignore the total clicks and daily clicks these dont need to be changed ....
And In the cpc box change the number to 10 and click Save changes.. picture provided below on how i set mine up so you can see
how it is set up .
7)Now Open a new tab and go login to a facebook account use a fake one cause facebook mite block you for the ammount of shit u like with my bot.....
8)Now go back to addmefast page.... And click Facebook Likes
9)Now click the blue imacros icon top right corner of firefox page and then it should come up with the imacros box...... picture below
10) Now click the AMF NEW FACEBOOK PAGE LIKER once do not double click or it will just play once !!! ....And then below u will see Max
type in there 30000 and then click Play Loop and woohoo ! u will start earning points which will be constantly spent on what you choosed
which ill be earning facebook subscribers very fast ....Picture below..
Note: There is also other addmefast scripts in your imacros now so if you want to use the soundcloud or pinterest or the other bots then
you can use them too i have made the scripts more faster than the last ones so now you should get likes,view,subs whatever you want
Alot Faster !!!!!
Please note: make sure the page is in english when the bot is running otherwise my script wont understand it
All of this tutorial and scripts wrote by Kris prohacks.
Also in middle of building two servers for facebook status likes and autocomments on your statuses on facebook from other people across the www. well i have built and was working just need to fix ill make a thread on this and release
Dont forget to say thanks if i helped