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real question: why do people "gotta check hwid ban" first..?

Discussion on real question: why do people "gotta check hwid ban" first..? within the Escape from Tarkov forum part of the Popular Games category.

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real question: why do people "gotta check hwid ban" first..?

I'm sorry but it is literally the most annoying over used comment ever..

1. if you ever decide to get into cheats you should be spoofing no matter what...

2. what sense does it make to deliberately check if you are hwid banned by spending money on an account, revo uninstalling, reinstalling game, etc... if you intend on using cheats further..

3. okay so lets say you AREN'T hwid banned after checking... you gonna NOT spoof while deciding to cheat again? Yes? Okay so why the HECK did you bother testing for hwid ban in the first place... No? refer to #1 above.

a bonus question;

why the heck do people ask "does the timer start at purchase or can I use later?"

2020, 2021, 2022, i have maybe heard it ONCE and I had many customers back then...

2023-2024, I hear it ALL the time... are these seriously NEW cheaters completely? OR... better yet.. what cheat have you EVER used where the timer starts AT PURCHASE? I heard of ONE provider doing it but that was years ago when I heard it and the person that said it didn't even say the provider and I can't find any info on it.

There are more annoying things I can bring up but i'll save those for later..
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Old 03/12/2024, 02:05   #2
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1. if you ever decide to get into cheats you should be spoofing no matter what...

- As a reseller with tens of thousands of customers, you would understand that new cheat users don't understand this. And what's the saying around here with a spoofer? Another vector to be detected, ie. like the built in spoofer that your cheats use but the cheat itself isn't detected?

2. what sense does it make to deliberately check if you are hwid banned by spending money on an account, revo uninstalling, reinstalling game, etc... if you intend on using cheats further..

- So you can play with your main EOD account without any spoofers or cheats, or that now you know 100% you need to buy a spoofer in order to play. Why 50/50 chance it? And what's the other saying around here? Don't cheat on your main account?

3. okay so lets say you AREN'T hwid banned after checking... you gonna NOT spoof while deciding to cheat again? Yes? Okay so why the HECK did you bother testing for hwid ban in the first place... No? refer to #1 above.

- Because we have main accounts that has a lot of hours and money spent on it and is for legit playing only?

a bonus question;

- Like are you just flexing that you're getting so many new customers and that you're annoyed at the influx of users for not understanding how a cheat you're selling works?
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Old 03/12/2024, 02:11   #3

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Old 03/12/2024, 04:45   #4

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Originally Posted by halofreak69 View Post
1. if you ever decide to get into cheats you should be spoofing no matter what...

- As a reseller with tens of thousands of customers, you would understand that new cheat users don't understand this. And what's the saying around here with a spoofer? Another vector to be detected, ie. like the built in spoofer that your cheats use but the cheat itself isn't detected?

2. what sense does it make to deliberately check if you are hwid banned by spending money on an account, revo uninstalling, reinstalling game, etc... if you intend on using cheats further..

- So you can play with your main EOD account without any spoofers or cheats, or that now you know 100% you need to buy a spoofer in order to play. Why 50/50 chance it? And what's the other saying around here? Don't cheat on your main account?

3. okay so lets say you AREN'T hwid banned after checking... you gonna NOT spoof while deciding to cheat again? Yes? Okay so why the HECK did you bother testing for hwid ban in the first place... No? refer to #1 above.

- Because we have main accounts that has a lot of hours and money spent on it and is for legit playing only?

a bonus question;

- Like are you just flexing that you're getting so many new customers and that you're annoyed at the influx of users for not understanding how a cheat you're selling works?
The term "weird flex" is hilarious because I never really understood it until I read your bonus question. Why? Because literally, I make more money off EXISTING customers and my resellers under me than I do with these noobs who buy 1 day keys over and over again. The thought didn't cross my mind.. I don't have to flex here in a thread... to try and impress whom? There are bigger sellers than me, and I don't see them trying to flex... I don't need to flex to you NN's who i'll never meet or see or care to even know... This thread was influenced by genuine curiosity and if I wanted to "flex" i have way better and more interesting stories to share...but no.. I couldn't care less to flex.

Also... If you wanted to use your main, HAVE A MINIMUM OF 2 PC'S... 1 FOR LEGIT PLAY.. 1 FOR CHEATING.... WHY?

1. No fear of any account you care about being compromised.

2. No fear of getting ratted, hacked, etc. because your cheat pc would most likely have no sensitive or personal info on it, where as you legit PC would.

also, the people who are asking if they are hardware banned, they are playing with cheats on their mains anyway.. time and time again I read how people get banned with the 5000 hour EOD from 4 years ago and they panic and rage quit.
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