I shook my head, went to the website and bought a second copy of the game, logged in and played. Second account had no cheese, but did not uninstall anything at all.
Literally within 15 minutes of being banned, I was back in playing again trying to be 'legit'.
Second account was banned within 5 hours.
I assumed I was hwid banned and attempted to research everything that I could on the topic. I promise you that there isn't a topic here or on any similar forum/threads that I haven't meticulously scanned.
Instead of actually doing anything about it, I simply shrugged and decided I wouldn't play Tarkov.
A friend of mine offered to buy an account to let me check if I was indeed HWID banned or not. (Since the first 2 bans, ALL cheese I could find was deleted.)
After purchasing the account and playing for an entire week I was kicked from a raid and given the email of doom again. (5+ hour days, multiple raids, level 14 account with low stats and no cheese)
**Extra useful information:
- I do cheese just about every other game I play.
- I have never spoofed HWID's
- I DO have Warzone cheese
- I DID use Warzone cheese a few times during that week
- My PC was NEVER restarted during that week
- I did NOT cheese Tarkov
- I did NOT cheese Tarkov
- I also noticed today that I am banned from DayZ on Steam and have NEVER EVER EVER used cheese on DayZ
- I did NOT use Tarkov cheese this time... for the hundredth time
- I did FIND cheese in like 3 subfolders of my storage HDD (Though it was never injected again)
Is it possible that this ban was issued because EFT/BSG recognized my Warzone2 cheese in memory?
It's literally driving me nuts trying to figure it out....