[Selling] Cheap tarkov carries. 4 dollars labs carries. Will bring in lab cards on carries. 10/19/2021 - Escape from Tarkov Trading - 4 Replies I will be offering a bulk discount. I am selling really premium tarkov carries for low. I will bring in 1 case of your choice every raid. (med case, Grenade case, or a mag case). I will also bring in a docs case containing lab cards for the number of raids ordered (So if you buy 5 raids, I will bring in 6 lab cards and so on). This is the most premium you're going to get anywhere.
BONUS!!! SHORT TIME ONLY!: I will be bringing in 2 ophthalmoscopes per raid you order, making you profit right...
Help a brotha out 07/16/2010 - Cabal Online - 1 Replies Hello, I am very new to Cabal and the reason I joined it is because a friend insisted me to join. So I have hacked a few games such as warrock, Combat Arms, And maplestory. But Would like to hack cabal too. But I can't understand how to because at the few posts I saw, they are not .dlls. Please show me in very good detail on how to hack cabal. Thank you :D