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Too many resellers selling the same cheats

Discussion on Too many resellers selling the same cheats within the Escape from Tarkov forum part of the Popular Games category.

Old   #1
elite*gold: 0
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Too many resellers selling the same cheats

It's practically impossible to find original cheats at this point or to have any true level of trust with providers.

Too many times I see different "providers" reselling the exact same cheat- maybe just recolored/restructured slightly.

There's little to no originality and the ones that ARE original are either:
A: Next to impossible to find and verify
B: Astronomically expensive (which I suppose I can understand to some degree)

I continue to see the exact same two or three cheats simply being resold on as many as ten different websites one time.

A complete waste of time.
gh422321 is offline  
Old 02/01/2022, 10:01   #2
elite*gold: 0
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You are totally right. I see the same tools, the same menu but name is diffrent.
Then it's hard for people to believe in their honesty about the product.
However, remember not to treat everyone the same. There are also honest people in this community.
Krzeselko90 is offline  
Old 02/01/2022, 14:25   #3
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True “Private” cheats do exist.

My favourite part is coming here and reading all the “Private” cheats being advertised on a public forum.

There are good cheats out there, they’re a pain to come by for security purposes, devs want to ensure the longevity of their Undetected products so they don’t post them publicly or even advertise them.

Once that true private group is established people are fighting for a chance to get to use the product so no advertising is needed. Make friends within your cheating communities and you will stumble upon little treasure here and there.

Don’t give up.

If you’re looking for private safe cheats, a public forum isn’t really the place to look (for Tarkov at least) you’ll just see a bunch of resellers and pastes like you mentioned.
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Old 02/01/2022, 16:37   #4

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Then you should do a big step around products containing names such as EFT "Blue", "Black", "Gamma" and so on. If you see a seller selling more than one cheat he is pretty much a reseller. That confusion you mention is intended with different builds, smaller design changes and different names so there
1. wont be any price competition and
2. wouldnt make the product look mass sold.
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Old 02/01/2022, 17:13   #5
elite*gold: 182
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yeah but this way generates the most amount of $$ for the developer so I doubt anything will happen to the system, however with enough searching and word of mouth you can find genuine providers that aren't just a rebrand.
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