Signature service 08/30/2010 - elite*gold Trading - 2 Replies 1stly i make them from a free website all you're paying for is my skills and creativity
So im thinking 5 elite gold per signature i will get an itrader and you will give the elitegold before i make the signature and if you have any specifications you can let me know (i.e. I want my forum nick in it, or, I want the quote "insert quote here" added) otherwise you leave it upto me and i show you it if you don't like it i will remake it in a few minutes i'll load up some i made thanks for your...
Werbefläche/Advertising surface in my Signature 08/12/2010 - elite*gold Trading - 2 Replies -------------------------------------------------- ----------
Hi Com,
Ich biete euch hier einen Platz für eure Werbung in meiner Signatur an.
Ein Counter ist vorhanden, sodass ihr sehen könnt, wie viele Leute meine Signatur angeschaut haben.
Die Kosten würden betragen: