[Buying] [B] 40€ PayPal [S] 1690 e*Gold 03/28/2013 - elite*gold Trading - 2 Replies Suche 1690 e*Gold
Biete 40€ PayPal
Kaufe keine einzelnde e*Gold nur komplette 1690 e*Gold für 40€ PayPal.
Gebe gerne first ! BEI TRUSTED MEMBER!!!
[SELL] LOL EUW 1690 ELO + S2 GOLD + SKINS... 01/24/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 7 Replies Hi Guys,
@This account is currently on 1709 TOP elo SOLOQ AND SELLING IT FOR 40-50 EURO PSC ... CURRENT 1590
My Account is on EUW.
I sell it because i dont want to play any more / no time.