Random Shop Bug 12/07/2011 - S4 League - 3 Replies So, few mins ago, I randomly played fumbi and after i pressed START I saw my name in the announsment and a weapon perm.
and fumbi gived it to me.
So if u get a perm thing, your'll see it earlier in the announment line
Fail Random Shop 09/16/2011 - S4 League - 15 Replies Omg.
I tried to get something with infinite use, to screen it, and got 1 time ONLY bombs.
Is this normal?
Ever got sumthing like this?
I doubt this is happening much time :S
N00Kii´s Random acc. Shop :D 09/06/2011 - Trading - 1 Replies N00Kii´s Random acc. Shop :D
habe mal alle meine restlichen acc´s von sämtlichen game´s zusamm gesucht. und möchte sie euch zu verkauf vorstellen
1.- Level R ( record acc. , es wurden 7 recorde mit gefahren )
- lvl 64
- rating ( 1433 )
New Fumbi shop is not random 08/27/2011 - S4 League - 16 Replies Proof = You click on start while buying melee weapon a few times until it changed to sub weapon 1
Used this trick like 100 times and It will always buy a melee weap instead of all the other sub weapons ... meaning it's already decided which one u will buy once u click started .. there's no meaning whatsoever to the others