Might take 30 mins to something whip up one for #3
Edit: I did end up making a christmas themed image with some new modelsin my game but at the cost of 65usd in models that I can't reuse because I like to fly low, I removed it from the contest.
*Christmas* Multi Tool by _TradEmArk_ The Christmas Edition [Special Functions] *New* 02/16/2011 - WarRock Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits - 75 Replies Verlauf:
-New Screen Addet!
-New Download Link Addet!
-New Text Addet!
-New Version Addet !!SPECIAL!!
Hey Community!
http://img-s3-01.mytextgraphics.com/marqueetextli ve/2010/12/24/aa6a6ea2068b7e24be4d43e244046fb2.gif
Ich stelle euch Hier das Neue CHRISTMAS Multi Tool vor:
http://img30.imageshack.us/img30/1290/sniperepisc homfg.jpg
[Release] *Merry Christmas* Hack by Christo76 *Merry Christmas* 12/17/2010 - S4 League Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits - 127 Replies Screen:
http://www5.pic-upload.de/11.12.10/idxfy5i8umft.j pg
http://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/238783MultiHackb yChristo76Patch244.jpg
Old Screens