Has Random Avatars
Email & Phone Verified
Aged 30 days+
Realistic Usernames
Instant Delivery
Checked before uploaded (100% Valid)
Only sold once, Never resell/recycled!
Format: email

I recommend you use the Token Checker from Here
If you have any issues you can contact me on telegram @

You can login with manually email, password
If you need a video Youtube search "How to login discord via token"
Please use private and high quality proxies and avoid stressing them too much.
Refund or exchange is absolutely impossible after you use it once, and if there is a problem after purchasing, you must contact within an hour to solve it.
Please don't stress them too much.
Avoid DM/Friend spamming too (This may unverify/kill your tokens if used for a long time).
If you want to know the token restock time, join the Telegram group; t.me/discordtokensfull