Suche Rush act 2 hell -act 4 hell 06/09/2012 - Diablo 3 Trading - 0 Replies Hey
Wenn sich jemand gold dazu verdinnen will einfach im spiel anschreiben Raven#2322 preis ist verhandelbar zahle mit Diablo 3 gold
Push nun von act 2 kull bis act 4 diablo rush gesucht pn hier oder ingame
WTF?hell what the hell?question!!! 01/01/2011 - Conquer Online 2 - 3 Replies hey i have a dilemma...when i wear my elite armor lvl 87+2 birdmans hit me 1..
and when i wear my lvl 100 armor unique 1 sock +3 they hit me is higher but?
i am shocked why they hit my more even the overall def is with 300+ higher with lvl 100 armor lol
n hell dia wp 04/13/2010 - Diablo 2 - 2 Replies topic
HELL 'O 09/11/2009 - Say Hello - 4 Replies Hi guys im new here, i have been browsing this forum for a long time and i found it interesting. Hope you guys can help me, btw just call me Hangin :)
what the hell is going on around here!! 09/23/2007 - Conquer Online 2 - 1 Replies anyone know whats going on with all this new i can tell is after you send your log-in packet it connects you to a new adress or listens on new ports.anyone know if im right?if so anyone know what adress or port?i already hate this game but i might just be able to quit playing,with all this downtime and whatever is going on with the servers its making it hard to do anything with this game,cant send packets log packets its pissing me off.anyway if anyone knows what they are doing...