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Battlenet account: Diablo 3 (4x lvl 60) also World of Warcraft: Cata, Starcraft 2....

Discussion on Battlenet account: Diablo 3 (4x lvl 60) also World of Warcraft: Cata, Starcraft 2.... within the Diablo 3 Trading forum part of the MMORPG Trading category.

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Battlenet account: Diablo 3 (4x lvl 60) also World of Warcraft: Cata, Starcraft 2....

Hello guys.
I want to sell my Battlenet account.

............................ ..............

There are follwing games on the account:

Diablo 3
Diablo 2
Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction
Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm

............................ ..............

In Diablo 3 are there:

Lvl 60 Wizard
Lvl 60 Demon Hunter
Lvl 60 Barbarian
Lvl 60 Monk
Lvl 30 Witch Doctor

............................... ...........

In World of Warcraft: Cataclysm are there:

Lvl 80 Rogue
Lvl 76 Warlock
Lvl 52 Hunter
Lvl 42 Hunter
and more low levels.........

.......................... ................


.................................................. ........

Contact me on email:



The account is still for sale.. Only add me if you want to pay for it, and not just steal it!!)
janniknp is offline  

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