Lol go Vaccing how everybody says. I get per lure up to 10 Vouchers.
Lure like 50 to 90 Mobs. Kill them and you get 5 Vouchers....
Thats the easisst way to get them. at the moment i event hate to pick them always up cuz there are so manyyy lolll...
And freee... I dont think there is a way to get them fre.e.
Look at it this way theres a legit way of doing it and an unlegit way. U asked for an no cheacting which mean no unlegit. Stick to legit. As the post before me.
A7 Wings/ Vouchers 05/21/2010 - Dekaron Private Server - 2 Replies Hi all
got i problem i knows the wings are in my client some where but I cant seem to find them on any of my CVS lists or i cant find carlsbery vouchers but I got them in client as well as i have some in my invent
Any help on how i can add the A7 Wings or how to find them would be great
Any help with the Vouchers aka what spawn number or how i can find out would be great