WTT/WTS LVL 125 SUM FOR MAGE/BAGI 05/05/2010 - Dekaron Trading - 0 Replies Like i sayed i want to trade my sum lvl 125 wings,permanent mount for bagi or mage! Pm me offer
[WTT] My 9x Bagi for your 9x Mage 04/27/2010 - Dekaron Trading - 3 Replies If anyone is interested in this offer, characters will be stripped and given to eachother naked.
I haven't reset the skills or stats on my bagi so your free to do so if you want to.
Build is a heal build, and skills are set up perfectly so there would be no need to reset.
If your interested just send me a pm or reply to this thread, thanks.
Wtt Bagi 99 For mage 04/06/2010 - Dekaron Trading - 1 Replies Hi Bagi is from Hellion, i'm interrested in mage level 98+ With or without gear.
If correctly stuffed i can gave L3+7 bagi gloves Cyrus boots DN +7 And Asca pants +7. Perfect skilled. So now lets go offer. Interrested in any servers !
WTT|72 bagi for 65+ seg/mage 07/02/2008 - Trading - 2 Replies i whant to trade my lvl 72 bagi that has about 10mil+ dil and very strong set +21 med's and good stats&skills the name is fine and im looking for sengale lvl 65+ with good skills and states up'd.