[Trading] Nexus Elyos-Side Good Geared Gunner For Good Geared Gladiator 05/07/2014 - Aion Trading - 1 Replies :pimp: Hai There :3 :pimp:
-Soooo Here's my Gunner Equipment:
-3 Guardian Executor's Holy Leather Parts ( Shoulders/Boots/Gloves +13/socketed aaaand Strife Chest/Pants+10/socketed)
-Guardian Commander Holy Aether Revolver +13/Mb+27
-Angry Hyperion's Aether Revolver+15
-Mad Grendal's Aether Revolver +2
-Strife Pistol +10
-Macc Strife Pistol +0
[Trading] Dekaron Rising AK Gear (+7) For Global Dekaron Dills/Gear 11/10/2013 - Dekaron Trading - 0 Replies I'm leaving Dekaron Rising to start playing Global Dekaron again and I want to get some dil/gear to start off, so I'm trading my Dekaron Rising gear.
Helmet : +7 Astra Helm. 4 +87 Medials, +277 Max HP/+391 HP Recovery
Armor : +7 Astra Armor. 4 +87 Medials, +102 Curse Resist/+108 Ice Resist
Pants : +7 Astra Pants. +79 Ice Resist/+78 Fire Resist
[Selling] Selling Full Aug 2 pvp geared Sorc with a fully geared lvl 50 Ranger twink 04/01/2013 - Aion Trading - 0 Replies Selling Full Aug 2 pvp geared lvl60 Sorc with a fully geared lvl 50 Ranger twink with taha bow +15 para Gs on kahrun if interested check out the link
Lvl60 Full Aug2 pvp Sorc with a Fully Geared Twink Ranger Tahabata bow +15 with para gs - (For Sale Offer #75964073) - PlayerAuctions.com - Securely Buy Cheap Aion Accounts with Fast Delivery